The latest break out of virus is in Africa and it is the largest break out since it is discovered and cause more deaths and illness in this outbreak than all others combined. It has spread between countries from Guinea to the Sierra Leone and Liberia
How does Ebola spread among people?
The manner in which the virus was first transmitted in human is unknown , how ever scientists think that it is transmitted into humans by coming in contact with the infected animal , in Africa they think that Ebola spread due to the handling of bush meat ( the meat comes from hunting) however the insects like mosquitoes or flies has shown no signs of carrying this virus, only the mammals like Human, bats chimps, antelopes has shown the symptoms of infections.
The further transmission of virus from human to human is in different manners, Ebola can transmit through the direct contact with the ill person like
Ø Coming in contact of body fluids like blood, serum. Breast milk, saliva, urine, stool,
sweat of the infected person
sweat of the infected person
Ø Objects used on infected person like needles, syringes, towel
In the burial ceremonies in which mourners comes in direct contact of death body who died due to Ebola virus
the people who are taking care like the nurses have high chance of getting infected
What are the sign and symptoms of this disease?
The person infected with Ebola may show symptom in the range of 20 to 21 days, recovery of the person from infection depend upon its immunity system and the care he is getting,the symptoms are
Ø The sever fever
Ø Head ache
Ø Red eyes
Ø Diarrhea ( some times bloody)
Ø Vomiting
Ø Internal bleeding
Ø Stomach pain
Ø Muscle ache
Ø Some times bleeding from eyes and nose ( in some cases bleeding also happen from
ears and
How it is diagnosed?
on initial stage the diagnoses of the disease is difficult as it shows the some symptoms of fever,they collect blood sample to diagnose the disease
What is treatment for Ebola?
The vaccine and treatment for Ebola is not fully developed, scientists are working on it. The following interventions when taken on early stages can help the improving health condition of patients
Ø Providing intravenous fluids (IV)and balancing electrolytes (body salts)
Ø Maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure
Ø Treating other infections if they occur
Prevention and control:
Ø wash your hands frequently use alcoholic hand wash
Ø avoid the ill person and do not come contact with them also avoid to come in contact
with fluid of sick person
Ø do not go closer to the death body of person who is died of Ebola
Ø do not eat raw or ill cooked meat
Ø do not touch your pets naked hand
Ø if you have fever intermediately go and seek doctor help