Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola Virus Disease

Ebola virus causes serious illness when it is untreated, it causes disease  known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever which  often cause fatal illness in humans. Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976, when it broke out in two locations one Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo later on it broke out near Ebola river from where it gets its name.
The latest  break out of virus is in Africa and it is the largest break out since it is discovered and cause more deaths and illness in this outbreak than all others combined. It has spread between countries from Guinea to the Sierra Leone and Liberia
How does Ebola spread among people?
The manner in which the virus was first transmitted in human is unknown , how ever scientists think that it is transmitted into humans by coming in contact with the infected animal , in Africa they think that Ebola spread due to the handling of bush meat ( the meat comes from hunting) however the insects like mosquitoes or flies has shown no signs of carrying this virus, only the mammals like Human, bats chimps, antelopes has shown the symptoms of infections.   

The further transmission of virus from human to human is in different manners, Ebola can transmit through the direct contact with the ill person like
Ø Coming in contact of body fluids like blood, serum. Breast milk, saliva, urine, stool, 
sweat of the infected person
Ø Objects used on infected person like needles, syringes, towel
In the burial ceremonies in which mourners  comes in direct contact of death body who died due to Ebola virus 
the people who are taking care like the nurses have high chance of getting infected

What are the sign and symptoms of this disease?

The person infected with Ebola may show symptom in the range of 20 to 21 days, recovery of the person from infection depend upon its immunity system and the care he is getting,the symptoms are
Ø The sever fever 
Ø Head ache
Ø Red eyes
Ø Diarrhea ( some times bloody)
Ø Vomiting
Ø Internal bleeding
Ø Stomach pain
Ø Muscle ache
Ø Some times bleeding from eyes and nose ( in some cases bleeding also happen from 
ears and 

How it is diagnosed?

on initial stage the diagnoses of the disease is difficult as it shows the some symptoms of  fever,they collect blood sample to diagnose the disease

What is treatment for Ebola?

The vaccine and treatment for Ebola is not fully developed, scientists are working on it. The following  interventions when taken on early stages can help the improving health condition of patients

Ø Providing intravenous fluids (IV)and balancing electrolytes (body salts)
Ø Maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure
Ø Treating other infections if they occur

Prevention and control:


Ø  wash your hands frequently  use alcoholic hand wash
 Ø  avoid the ill person and do not come contact with them also avoid to come in contact 
with fluid of sick person
Ø do not go closer to the death body of person who is died of Ebola
Ø do not eat raw or ill cooked meat 
Ø do not touch your pets naked hand
Ø if you have fever intermediately go and seek doctor help

Thursday, October 16, 2014

About Ebola

Ebola virus belong to the family or genus Ebolavirus  basally this virus is found in African  chimps, monkeys but now it is transferred into humans and is causing sever damage, Ebola virus cause  hemorrhagic fevers ; fever with sever bleeding and organ failure and some times death, right now no drug has produce to cure this disease scientist are working on it but there is hope right now, people are saying it is more dangerous then AIDS. Ebola is spreading world wide rapidly.

In just two months about seven to eight thousand people are killed by this virus, Mostly the deaths are from Africa but now we can also listen about the news of deaths from Europe and USA.

  1. Causes:Ebola virus spread through the body fluid, if some one come contact with body fluid like blood, saliva etc it may become infected some say that it also spread with the breath. 
  2. Symptoms of Ebola fever is sever head ache, Diarrhea (may be bloody), red eyes, vomiting, muscles ache, pain in chest and stomach, and bleeding from eyes and mouth some times when they are dead bleeding is also from ear, nose and rectum, and internal bleeding

For prevention of disease you should do some safety measures, like wash your hands frequently  use alcoholic hand wash, avoid the ill person and do not come contact with them also avoid to come in contact with fluid of sick person, do not go closer to the death body of person who is died of Ebola, do not eat raw or ill cooked meat and do not touch your pets naked hand, if you have fever intermediately go and seek doctor help

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A train to Pakistan (book review)

Train to Pakistan is the first book by any Indian author I have read and really it made my day. I have read many stories about partition of India in two parts that is new India and Pakistan but this story really brought the tears in my eye. I came to know about this book when I was surfing idly on Face book, one news got my attention that was about a man name khaswant Singh. That news made me curious and I start searching about him on net, and there I got books written by him. I picked his book “a train to Pakistan” as it has interesting title and start reading.

A train to Pakistan is an amazing story set in the era of partition, this book has everything, a story of innocence of innocent people, a love story of a Muslim girl and a Sigh boy, and the environment of a village in 1947 never allow you to raise your eyes from the book. The story is set up in the village name as Mano Manjra, the story revolve around three main characters one is Jaga Singh, a magistrate and a man name Iqbal. Jaga is a loafer and a rowdy with a golden heart, he fall in love with a Muslim girl.

This was the year when partition occur, every year person from every religion was getting slaughter, Hindus and Sigh were killing Muslims and Muslims were cutting the Hindus like carrots, in mean while the magistrate of Mano Manjra wants the peaceful vacation of Muslims from his area, but many people try to kill the people and loot the train which was taking the Muslims to Pakistan as a revenge but the mean while Jaga cuts the ropes attached to the weapons and was shot twice by the enraged  mob and train enter the Pakistan stamping the Jaga.
This story really gave me goose bumps; India was parted because people wants freedom from British, but now looking at today’s Pakistan and India sometimes I wonder are we free?? We have gain freedom from British but what we have gain in return? I leave this question to you….

Monday, October 13, 2014

Human Trafficking in Pakistan: A savage and deadly realty of women and children

Last day during surfing on Facebook one of story got my attention, it was the story of two sisters who live in the rural area of Pakistan in poverty, they came to city for a job and found a job as a maid in one of the wealthy neighborhood. After some days their mistress allure them by offering a job in Dubai and they agreed to go with her to UAE but these poor soul have no idea what is going to happen to them, when they reached Dubai they came to know that their is no job for them and their mistress brought them Dubai to use them as a prostitute, when they resist they were beaten and they live six years in misery and no one know where they are, after six year they manage to escape and told the police their story.

This story is telling us the dark side of Pakistani society, Pakistan is like a hell for women. If they escape theKarokari, Vani traditions and also Infanticides then there are other ways to make the life of women a hell and trafficking is one of them. There are many ways by which women get trapped, mostly they allure women by giving them offer of job or sometimes they kidnapped women and children and then trafficked them or sell them to others who used them in textile industries or in prostitution.

Just in first two month of 2014 about 190 cases of human trafficking are reported in Provence Sindh and in last year 2013 about six thousands cases were reported in whole Pakistan but no one now the exact numbers of cases, these people are trafficked in whole Pakistan where they are used mostly in Brick industry and textile industry and in the prostitution, in some cases these people are also used for beggary , however some cases are reported in which mafia sell the body part like kidney of victim. This is really brutal. According to statics about 80% of these victims are used as prostitutes.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Human rights violation ; Unspeakable violence against Muslims in Burma

some times when i see what is happening in world, i felt ashamed to call myself a human and a Muslim. last night I see the clips of recent massacre of Muslims in Burma and for a moment i was still,for a moment i want to die and don't want to live in such a barbaric and cruel world, where every day people are getting murder just because the belong to another ethnic group or religion or the speak other languages or they have other skin color. 
Burma consist of about 75 million people and about 0.7 million of its population consists of Muslim just a fraction but these Muslims are treated as an animal since the army came in regime in 1964, and in passing year the ethnic cleansing in Burma just go to worse from bad and every one of  the Burman majority that is bud hist are violating human rights and are killing innocent Muslims. From 1964 to till thousand of Muslims are killed but no one from outer world has noticed this brutal killing.
The history of the massacre of Muslim is as brutal as it is old. Every year thousands of Muslims known as Rohingya in Burma are getting killed. If we just talk about 2014, the Burman Muslim also welcome new year with savage and brutality, and Burman gifted 75 cadaver of the beloved ones to Muslims. The lull in Burma was broken when 12 Muslims were kidnapped and after three days people found the fresh graves with body parts ,after that riots exploited out. just in 12 days about 500 Muslims were killed and people were roaming on roads and were shouting that they will kill all Muslims, many of Muslims were banished out of their cities and were forced to migrated to Thailand, Indonesia, and they are now living at in camps at the border.
Recently at 4 July the anti Muslim riots again exploited out when a picture a girl getting rape get viral on Facebook with the caption that a Muslim Rohingya is Raping a Buddhist girl after that thousands of people roam out at road of the second biggest city Mandalay brandishing bamboo, knives, swords and were shouting the anti-Muslim slogan in range, in this about 48 Muslims were killed , the angry mob stoned the houses and shops of Muslims, sexually harass the girls and beat the shit out of Muslim who come in there way. 

My heart clinched in my ribs when i hear the report about the vicious act and see the images of bruised injured people, the pictures of dead ones raise the goose bumps and chill me to the marrow. I was wondering everyday news channels give the reports about the celebrity lives and they can gives us the full details about the fashion shows and can bring 24 hour the wailing of Israel but why they are not showing the genocide of Muslims in Burma, are they not human beings or they don't possess the heart?? Where are the Human right authorities, why are not they taking any action? Every day many people are getting killed just because they are Muslims not Buddhist, well there is no one to answer these question and no one will come forward to help Burman Muslims.
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